Whats new in Intersalon
What Intersalon 3.1 means for you!
Quick and Simple Daily Appointment Report Generator
The daily appointment report allows you to print off a receipt showing the timetable for any stylist for that specific day. This receipt also includes any addition notes or information recorded for each customer that has an appointment that day.
Order Table Update
The orders table in the Retail section has been updated to include a 'deposit' column. This is to help identify transactions which customers have either partially paid or included a deposit in their order.
Improved Custom Event Colouring in Appointment Planner
This new feature improves the visual layout of the Appointment Planner. Now with this feature extension, unique colours can be assigned to each event and service that will be displayed in the planner.
This feature includes:
Choose a colour for each event, such as holidays and sick days, through the ‘Planner Events’ settings.
Assigning each salon service a unique colour identifier through the Service Groups tab.
Label As Arrived
When customers arrive for appointments, intersalon now includes a feature which allows you to change the appointment block in the planner to ‘arrived’. This will change the appointment colour to give a more dynamic visual layout.
Receipt Layout
The receipt layout and formatting as been updated to include the amount tendered and also currency formatting.
Automated online booking confirmations to Salon Email Account
When customers place bookings online a confirmation email is sent to the customer once the process is complete. Intersalon now includes a feature which also notifies the salon administrators email account when a booking is confirmed.
This feature can be set up and enabled through the Appointment Settings section.
New and Improved Copy and Editing features for Stylist Rates
With stylist service pricing always changing the need for a function which allows a service or selection of services to be easily updated is necessary. With the use of the new Styling Rates feature on the ‘Stylist and Services’ section, this requirement is now possible.
This new feature also includes:
The choice of either changing the pricing by a percentage or fixed amount.
A copy feature that allows you to select services and copy them to another stylist. This also has the option to overwrite the existing stylist pricing if they already have that service assigned to them.
Secure Till Draw opening, including Cash Register Calculations
Intersalon extends its functionality with an ‘Open Till’ feature which allows users with authorisation to easily manage cash going in and out of the till.
Major features implemented in this include:
Add Float - Allowing money to be deposited into the till.
Petty Cash - Money can be withdrawn from the till by authorised users. This requires a description for withdrawal.
Cash Up – At the end of each working day, this function can be used to print a receipt showing the overall cash amount and cheques that should be in the till.
A table log showing all the till requests as also been developed in the retail section.
Bug Fix Report
Label As Arrived - When customers arrive for appointments, intersalon now includes a feature which allows you to change the appointment block in the planner to ‘arrived’. This will change the appointment colour to give a more dynamic visual layout.
Receipt Layout - The receipt layout and formatting as been updated to include the amount tendered and also currency formatting.
Order Table Update - The orders table in the Retail section has been updated to include a 'deposit' column. This is to help identify transactions which customers have either partially paid or included a deposit in their order.
Intersalon Version History