February is upon us and just as the ice and snow have made way for the bursting buds of spring, so too will 2010 be a flourishing year for your salon business partnering with Intersalon. Packed with fantastic new features, Intersalon stands alone as being the only salon service that enables you to truly connect with your salon clients, Adding value, Automating processes, Engineering out costs.
February also marks the launch of ‘Insider’ the Bi-Monthly newsletter showcasing all things Intersalon such as new product features, topical articles and industry news, all peppered generously with your Intersalon user experiences.
On a strategic note, Intersalon achieved rapid but measured growth in 2009, expanding its ever diverse UK and International user base. Intersalon has clients as far and wide as the U.S.A., Australia and India. We couldn’t have achieved any of this without your support so a big Thank you to you all.
For those clients that have signed up to the service but not taken advantage of the ‘Live’ system then you will shortly receive a call from our Salon Relations Team to discuss the future of your Intersalon account and get you on track with the service.
New Release - Intersalon Ver 3.2
Intuitive Dashboard, The Dashboard, User Interface, IA
We have made some subtle changes to the Intersalon suite some you will instantly notice some you won’t.
Easy Viewer – Hover the cursor over an appointment and a pop up window will be displayed featuring the Full Appt details. To find out more contact your salons relation team on: 0845 345345.